Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Tips for Best Website Development Company to Serve Every Customer Individually

Who can tell the importance of having personalized experience than the millennial generation? With everything at our fingertips, we want our devices, service providers and internet to understand our needs better with experience.
Also statistics show that personalized customization as per individual customer leads to 40% more sales and conversely more than 74% people feel frustrated when adverts and content of no interest to them pops up on their screens. 

Non-Customized, Non-Personalized websites put customers off!
Don’t let your users lose interest from your products. Capture your users as they visit you.
Focusing on individualized experiences gives recognition to the fact that every user is different. Their motivations of coming to you website are different. 

Gone are the days when expensive tools and techniques were required for serving every individual person. Innovation and automation have made expansion low cost options possible. Here our website development company India lists some tips which you should use to customize user-experiences for your targeted users:  

Ø  Contact Form and Video Tutorial for Newbies and Sign-up for Old
For a high conversion you should have personalized strategies for new visitors and old visitors. To increase frequency of your visitors make their communication and experience with your website development company India ‘easy’.
To do that use, Contact forms, including their phone number, address, etc. to capture them in future. Use ‘Frequently bought together’ sections. Also, ifpossible, includevideo tutorials about the reviews or other product related experiences.

For older visitors, to uphold their frequencies, include sign-up for monthly newsletter sections and send a cookie if they make a purchase to keep track of their preferences in future purchases. .

Ø  Make near ones feel special with Geo-Location
Take advantage of geo-location provision and make your nearby visitors feel special by offering them special discount or offering some free gifts or giving them discounts on their next visit. Proximity brings possibilities of establishing trust.

Ø  Different days call for different menus
Final thing that web development company Delhi do is to customize their tabs, products, offers as per time of the day/ week (weekends, etc.) and festive season or special days like father’s day, valentine day, etc.

They can be targeted in accordance with popular trends, culture, gender, location, etc.


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